Outdoor advertising in Stockholm

Big banner on the wall, a light poster in the middle, at airport Stockholm.

2 klBus advertising in Stockholm

The fastest way to Stockholm is by plane. Most airlines fly to Stockholm-Arlanda airport. From the plane to the exit of the airport you will be accompanied by numerous illuminated billboards. Starting with the baggage claim coloramas up to the taxi stand billboards.There are several ways to get to the city from here. By bus, taxi or train.

In the city, most buses are covered with creative advertisements. Some buses have the bus advertising only in the back and others on the side.


Billboards in Stockholm

3 klWalking through the city you can see all the billboards advertisings that are well placed in busy streets. The billboards advertisements quickly catch your attention and leave a lasting impression. In the city you can find the different billboards at the bus stops (CLPs), in the subway stations (Poster) and on the facades of some buildings (CLBs).

As in Copenhagen and Oslo, there is no taxi advertising in Stockholm. This type of outdoor advertising is currently not possible in Scandinavian capitals.

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